what if I would be a Dog

It is not that 
it was a rare sight..
as common as traffic jam,
street dogs.
sitting on my balcony,
i was watching the frail,hungry
browny street dog 
with pupils dilated,
rapid panting with corner of mouth,
possibly with a wound in one toe 
wagging his tail 
near the park,
and nearby small snack shop
as if welcoming visitors,
introducing self,in a subdued
bow bow ...cajoling his best 
to get looked at,
at least for a while
failing at drawing attention,
returning again to the snack shop
this time..sitting down to stand up
the next moment and 
continue wagging tail 
looking straight
into the people eyes 
assuring every kid passing by
through his body language
" i will not harm you " 
trying his best to talk in silence
watching him from not that far
i thought
what he must be conveying, 
in his animal language ! 
is he saying ..
" i am hungry 
give me a loaf of bread,
little water in this summer,
love me for a while 
look at my wound
take me home..
i am no stranger to you
we are siblings..being the 
children of same father(God)
that way 
me, cat, pig,ant,tree,creeper
we all have minimum right,
if not equal,
to have food and shelter
in the God's world you too live in 
why don't you see your God in me " 
believing in Hindu 
view of reincarnation
a cycle of birth, death, rebirth
knowing that soul is eternal 
soul lives many lifetimes
entering one body after another,
may be the body of human,
animal or plant 
based on my good actions this life
leading to good life after death,
an unknown fear , a fear of future 
abruptly engulfed me
shivering my body and heart
reminding me ...
what rebirth i will take
what if i fail to do good actions
what if i would be a dog !            


  1. sima dash · April 16, 2016

    Reading the title I thought of a funny and lighter poem…but actually a deep phylosohy has been highlighted through a mere street dog.Enjoyed reading.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. springtimeforever · April 17, 2016

    life will find its way.


  3. misggrace · April 18, 2016

    I love your poem big time… The way you wrote it, trying to explain the dogs thoughts and its plea for help, this is beautiful. though i don’t believe in reincarnation, I do believe that street dogs deserve love and mercy. And if one should wiggle its tail our paths, our hands should not be far from reaching out to it with food if we have some at that point. Nice one Kamakhya 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Springstart@life : Kamakhya · April 19, 2016

      Thank you Grace , very true , it is all about acknowledging the presence of the supreme father in everything , everywhere . The sight of hungry dog made me think how our insight to life can be better , how we can think beyond self in this materialistic world.God bless.

      Liked by 1 person

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