

the other day 
i found 
somebody is missing in me 
and that is ME!
i am not the only one in me 
suddenly realizing how many people
i am living with always
who have grown into a crowd 
speaking at a same time 
for i am listening to the voices of others
the voices of forefathers priests friends neighbours
or enemies 
voices all jumbled up
forming a thick layer of cloud within me 
or the voices cropping up 
from the hideouts of biases fears unforgivingness
or the voices owing their genesis 
to the knoll of my hatred anxieties 
or paranoia!
oscillating between my thoughts to actions
or actions to thoughts
i thought 
where is the room for listening to me 
my inner voice 
my inner guide 
amidst these multiple voices 
now i knew why mystics preferred mountains
for they wanted to hear less 
less of distractions to their 'self'
how do i make a conversation with me 
my consciousness!
learning to quit them for a quiet ME!
time to assert now 
to tell them ' please leave me alone'
knocking them out completely 
i thought 
may be possibly impossible 
in my trying to find myself 
unburdening the past guilt biases
i can see the clouds blowing away 
for a clearer sky 
who knows 
i may find the grace within 
i may meet my inner voice 
my inner guide 
more often 
and those godsend moments 
within me or around!   



  1. isabellaesthermariarose · September 4, 2016

    So very true. Profound and beautifully written.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. ssidhi · September 4, 2016

    Cut the clutter and find the me within ME!!.. The real discovery off the century is ME..
    Well said..Keep searching..

    Liked by 3 people

  3. milliethom · September 4, 2016

    Sometimes we need to cut off from both the outer and inner clamour of voices and be alone with our own thoughts and reflections. So many things can influence our actions, but we also need time to make our own decisions.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Springstart@life : Kamakhya · September 4, 2016

      Thanks a bunch! Yeah you are spot on ..itz time to search the self rising above routine life n take a call ..our inner callings ! Good times !

      Liked by 1 person

  4. whippetwisdom · September 4, 2016

    Beautifully written. Time in nature will help you reconnect with YOU. :o)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Springstart@life : Kamakhya · September 4, 2016

      Thank you Xenia , for the kind words , yes itz abt true connect through which a meaningful conversation with the self can resume! Good times !

      Liked by 1 person

  5. myfaithjourneyGG · September 4, 2016

    Wow. Beautiful and thought-provoking.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Springstart@life : Kamakhya · September 4, 2016

      Thanks a lot , happy you read n liked it !


      • myfaithjourneyGG · September 5, 2016

        You are welcome.
        One cannot help but read it; it’s captivating from start to finish.
        And I like your style of writing; almost as if you were physically present reading it; way to go šŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Cezane · September 4, 2016

    Wow…it is astonishing, with the way you have with words.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Springstart@life : Kamakhya · September 4, 2016

      Thanks cezane for your kind words, finding the inner self n voice so important towards a perceptible change in our life ,above the mundane we all are habituated to live ! Love.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. skd · September 5, 2016

    …. People say, you know you the best. So, finding the inner grace is important. Realizing the real me! So be it. Nice one. Thanks

    Liked by 2 people

    • Springstart@life : Kamakhya · September 5, 2016

      Thanks a lot , very true , the grace within paving the way to greater realization ,can make a difference! Good times!


  8. GILDASPOEMS · September 5, 2016

    Very relatable! So many opinions of others reside inside us, besides all around. Can be hard to recognize our own truth! Great poem.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. writenlive · September 5, 2016

    May that inner voice be heard sooner.. A lovely read.
    God bless!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. calmkate · September 5, 2016

    Silence will come but it takes a lot of persistent effort – so glad you are searching!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Wendy · September 5, 2016

    Oh how true… We get so distracted with the external world that it’s easy to forget our true ‘being’ – I certainly recognise this and like you am trying hard to take some time to stop and really listen… Thankyou for this great post! x

    Liked by 2 people

    • Springstart@life : Kamakhya · September 5, 2016

      Thanks Wendy for the lovely comment, the mind needs respite to think beyond the routine for a far imp. things in sync with realizing the true purpose of our life ..in this pursuit our priority begins with knowing the self away not only from multiple voices but also from the voices of our ego,biases, fears,unforgivingness etc that influence our subtle mind always affecting the course of our thoughts n actions! May the true search becokn in us! Glad you could connect to this.Blessings.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Wendy · September 5, 2016

        That’s absolutely true – thankyou! xx

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Nisthur Anadi · September 9, 2016

    This beautiful introspection, you expressed it so well .

    Liked by 2 people

  13. People Rebuilders Foundation · September 14, 2016

    Hope this has a part 2 it was good.


  14. thoughtsnlifeblog · September 25, 2016

    Brillant so true.. we dont even realuse we are missing me!!! So profound , so accurate.. great piece really enjoyed reading it. Fantastic.. with a smile on my face. Regards Bella


  15. Isolated_girl · September 30, 2016

    love the humour behind ur each word : )

    trying to find ourselves can b most painful part of human life.

    Keep smiling


    Liked by 1 person

    • Springstart@life : Kamakhya · October 1, 2016

      Many thanks jyotee, finding my very own voice..my inner voice amidst plethora of others or other sources that go in affecting our thoughts n actions,really matters.Good times!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Web Development · May 18, 2017

    in this pursuit our priority begins with knowing the self away not only from multiple voices but also from the voices of our ego,biases, fears,unforgivingness etc that influence our subtle mind always affecting the course of our thoughts n actions! my inner voice amidst plethora of others or other sources that go in affecting our thoughts n actions,really matters.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Springstart@life : Kamakhya · May 18, 2017

      Thank you so very much, in fact the voices that turn into a crowd , have their genesis not only to voices from others but from within..Our anxiety, fears,hatred, ignorance, unforgiveness etc.The inner calling, always a far cry !


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