
It  was  not possible
to  move  ahead 
or  go  back
The  wavering  statues
were  flying in the blue sky,
and were waiting sometimes,
at  the  crossroads of mind,
in the  city  of  heart,
for  the serpentine river of past,
for the melting away of ices
in to tears!

If you had told once then,
I would have tied up
with a rope
that biased  mind,
would have requested
the autumn
the sun
the moon,
to wait  a  little,
would have added
little  more  fuel
to  the  dying depleting lamp!

The characters of
black  and  white days,
most often  now a days,
knock my doors,
while sleeping,
eyes closed but heart open.
They say..
' I  see  bad dreams'.
but  i  love  to
walk around
with a lantern and stick in my hand,
from my intrinsic original nature
to  my  professed  acts,
from   lashing  rains
to  flowing  tears, heartaches
from  festivity  of  vices 
to  the  dream  of  Nirvana,
from  hopes  of  life 
to  ignoring  the  death,
from  best kept  secrets 
to  always  propagating  lies!

@ Kamakhya

Image credit:

Waiting.. //

What else

I could have done

than waiting !

the sun moon stars ,

all waited along with me

before retiring for the day

only to join me

the next day,

on my waiting spree !

I continued keeping

the doors and windows

of my heart and soul




only to witness

the glimmer of enlightenment

enamour me,

handhold me

in transcending

to the other side of river,

towards tranquility and bliss

to the woods comprising

‘ you and me ‘

towards the realization

of You are with me !

@ Kamakhya


I  asked  death
is  there  death?  
death  said.. 
there  is  life. 
death  only separates life, 
in different  strata!
Death is  amidst 
and  within life, 
everyday, everywhere, 
in pursuit of 
and  greed!
Virtue is 
passion for compassion 
Vice  is being instrumental 
for inflicting  pains, 
to  others!

@ Kamakhya 


Vagaries of emotions,



deep down,

a  driver subconscious

sees things

feels the horizon

as  rich or trivial  raw material

it is stacked with !

simplicity is also called erudition ,

a mental plane dedicated

and surrendered to the omnipresent

is also called  the higher version

Of  self realization,

the  gateway to truth and emancipation


Being there

I thought 
how difficult it to be 
being there! 
being there with them,
who are fighting each second 
for a survival, 
without giving a damn,
to that luxurious car, a dine out
or a favourite drink
Being there with them,
who are struggling to tide over
the acute poverty in every walk 
of life 
Being there with them,
who are still being misunderstood 
for no fault of theirs 
Being there with them,
who want nothing from me 
but little loving time or patience 
Being there with them,
who want me to understand them
before I take my indifferent stand! 
Don't know 
how I don't understand,
being there with them,
is the purpose of my being! 



Steep road 
curves galore
the pain of walking,
so generic,
so much of commonality 
of being lost in the crowd 
still the energies gathered
and priorities made, 
consciously to show case 
all the instincts,
soaked in self-centeredness 
and I,me, mine! 
the traits of disqualification
made to qualify everything 
except goodness and warmth 
the road to conscience,
always there, right there 
not being satisfied following 
the herd! 
the light amidst darkness,
may be there 
at the end of the tunnel 
or instantly in a craving heart,
in a surrendering soul 
or in a path sans ignorance.


Image Credit:Google 


Something missing 
amidst the deafening buzz
and euphoria.
The whisper whistling  despair 
and remorse,
still sneaking in.
Someone behind the drapery,
shouting at me
the black shadow of conscience,
dissecting my thoughts threadbare,
cursing the polluted chambers of heart,
deep inside 
at the epicentre of my karma(actions).
Guilt and repentance
Just entered my room,
to talk to me,
recriminating all the way
in the wintry night,
a quandary in the misty festivities, 
ephemeral glitz outside 
and the snowflakes around.
Why I did not keep a track,
I wonder
how the rising resolutions of quiet midnights to transcend,
had fallen paralysed in the new mornings,
strangulating the goodness or godliness with a rope of lust or matter.
The smiling light with embracing hands still calling me near,
to forgive,love me
asking me to replicate 
the same for others.

Merry Christmas!


Why should you

images (1)

the moon light may play

hide and seek,

hiding behind the black clouds

why should you?

the soundless sound

and the aura of emptiness

may have managed to stay back

in my room or  the foyer,

the loneliness and pains

may have lied to be okay,

beneath a brave posture

why should you?

people may say and forget

what they had said,

the crowd may misunderstand

the congestion in my heart,

the logjam of uneasinesses

or the obscure silence , in between

why should you?

the snowfall

might have buried everything,

under its way,

covering the beautiful mementos,

en route

why should you?


Image credit : Google